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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

Dandelions and Railroad Tracks

Midnight epiphanies (AKA a bunch of no-brainers and cliches that have turned out to be embarrassingly true for me. I guess I could also call this "Things I should have figured out when I was 20" or "Things I could paste over images of dandelions or railroad tracks and post on Instagram")

1. Looking inward constantly is not the answer.

2. Looking outwards constantly is also not the answer

3. Success at any stage of adulthood is really about doing the responsible things you aren't motivated to do in order to keep yourself from slowly ruining your life.

4. I need to get out in the world.

5. Constantly seeking out entertainment has made me bored. Showing up for the dull, socially required stuff has surprisingly given me a sense of purpose and expanded my horizons in ways I never expected.

6. Revenge is a waste of time and isn't really all that satisfying.

7. Don't settle for one identity.

8. Snapchat is stupid.

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