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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

Goodnight moon

My sleep schedule is fucked, but it’s my own fault. I have too much midnight energy and I ride it instead of turning it off.

I’m fading now. The weekend was a weird blur. I got a new car battery, puttered around the house, got groceries, and tried to push myself into writing with mixed results.

I hate social media even though a lot of people on it kiss my ass. There may be a greater number who think I’m crazy/self obsessed/annoying, but they stay quiet.

Blogging here is so much better. I REALLY have to be careful about whose heads I crawl around in.


My mom canceled her trip to see our Pittsburgh family for thanksgiving. I’m MASSIVELY relieved because I was heavily campaigning against it. Between my dad (who has cancer) and my brother (who is disabled)... none of us need COVID! Ultimately it was my Grandpa who told her not to come. It‘s an unfortunate season in mannnnyyyy ways, but safety has to be everyone’s #1 priority right now.

I’ll edit the above that to say I would happily take one for the team and get covid if it would spare my family (my immune system has been on super drive ever since I got mono at age 18. I’m rarely sick and when I do fall ill, I bounce back in 3 seconds). I just DO NOT want to infect my team!

I had a lazy “work from home in jammies” day today.l. I’ll physically be in my office Wednesday. I think that’ll be the only day I go in this week. I hate waking up at 6am and putting on real clothes, but I can be a big girl for one day.

Getting laid off from Baylor was a bummer, but the aftermath of it hasn‘t been too hard to stomach! Could certainly have been far worse.

Guess I’m crashing now.

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