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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

It happened!

My god, I still can't believe that words I'm about to type are factual - I'm getting published. In a print magazine sold at Barnes and Noble. My first direct submission sold. Technically this is my SECOND attempt at being published- the first was in 4th grade - but that was my teacher's idea, so I'm not sure that counts?

I've entered a handful of contests where publication was the "prize", sure... but this was a different route. Apparently the better route. The issue comes out 12/1. WHAT?! I think I'll only believe it when I get my hands on the magazine and see my name in print. And on she flies the first time she spread her wings. We'll see what this brings me.

I don't feel like everything I just typed out made was clear. I have a frenetic energy about all of this. Understandably.

Yet I've come to realise that I can't bask in my own glory forever. I don't know how much of it I even deserve. Everything I have and am came from God. I would be an empty shell without Him. At best.

I have made small progress in other areas of my life as well, but there is still so much that I fear and subsequently avoid, afraid that if I touch these things they will burn me. Yet the opposite is true.

I can barely keep my eyes open now and must give into sleep. More later!

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