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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

More of the same with just a hint of true crime… aka “stupid gardens.”

I have a tendency to throw a little too much star shaped confetti at special people. Only the MOST special. I want to squeeze every last drop of out my best memories. Constantly painting and repainting. I have to take mental vacations somewhere, don’t I?

“Sometimes when times get tough, denial is all we have.“ - Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Life feels empty. It isn’t. I feel like I have nothing left to say. But obviously I do.

Gabby Petito is dead and suddenly a billion and a half people ”know” her. Wish it could have been for ANY other reason. Domestic abuse. Fugitive fiance. She’s in the stars probably not bothered by any of this. Watched her family on Dr. Phil. Really, really gutwrenching. Pathetic narcissist ruins yet another young woman’s life. I have nothing interesting to say about this case. His parents were out gardening in their stupid backyard like they don’t know we know.


She tried to be a vlogger 😢.

Social media is disgusting, but I still try to make it work for me. We’re all pretending and we all know it but can’t seem to stop. I don’t care about looking stupid. I’m an anti-influencer. Stupid, stupid, all of it. Most of it.

I don’t go places. I don’t see people. I can’t stomach the pretending and posturing. So I hang out on social media because I can carefully control my responses. Social media is worse though. It’s a tricky business. Quite tricky.

I should go to bed now. Too sour. But a quick gratitude list!

- Found a very satisfying new laundry detergent

- No catastrophes at work so far this week

- Mallory Pancakes

- sPoOkY hALLoWEEn is upon us!

- books

- Block settings exist

- Lots of mutual flowing love in my life

- Found this dried flower bookmark I made 15 years ago.

- Rice milk exists

- I can always choose to do the next right thing.

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