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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

Pretending to be posh

It’s a LAZY Sunday. My current background noise is Dateline - an episode set in Dallas. Recognizable landmarks! Wild. Only not really, because big cities are full of crime and statistically some of these crimes are gonna be weird enough to end up on Dateline.

Bought accidentally vegan cookies yesterday and ate a whole sleeve. Almost everything I bought at Target yesterday was vegan and I haven’t had any non-vegan food today.

While my dad was in the worst stretch of dying, I gained 13 pounds. That was over the course of about 3 months, so about a pound a week. I’ve only lost 3…. Sigh, but at least I’m not gaining anymore. “If it is fixable, just focus on the fixing.” That’s the motto I’ve forever been trying to adopt, with mixed results.

I went to Lifetime Plano last week (I don’t technically have membership there, but I get a yearly pass to try out a higher level club). It was VERY posh. Not in my budget for now, but maybe one day. I DO have access to Lifetime Garland now, another supposedly posh club that I’ve never tried, so I might try that out today. It’s a bit of a drive though. Pretending to be rich. Hah!

I’ve had a couple of cathartic cries this week. A day of scary news and a bullet barely dodged, followed by a day of better news. I guess that just goes to show that there are NO such things as upswings or downswings.

So there’s my minor updates. More later. ❤️

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