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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

The red circle.

Tuesday is 23/24ths over. One more day of work this week (tomorrow) and I’ll have my…. “holiday.” Quotation marks included because it will be one of those holidays that does NOT feel like a holiday. Miles, mom, me. “The 3 Ms“

Not going anywhere or doing anything for Christmas as far as I can tell, and that’s the way it should be. We are all vaccinated, but COVID is still very much making itself known. We can never be too careful.

I havent been out of Texas in 3 years. I don’t know when I will be again. There will probably be a memorial for my dad in Pittsburgh at some point, although he didn’t want one. He once told me he wrote his eulogy, but if he really did, I can’t fucking find it anywhere. Perhaps he was kidding (though it didn’t seem that way at the time), or perhaps it ended up in the trash. Who can say? That’ll likely stay a mystery for the ages.

I would love to give his eulogy. I am a good writer and would have a lot to say. I am usually never less than honest, but also try to throw a wry, humorous light on life where I can.

Finished reading my spooky Halloween book finally! It was called “The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel” - a retelling of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” from Katrina Van Tassel’s point of view. Was it a slightly corny historical romance? Perhaps, but I still loved it. A new top 10 favorite which I will surely reread in a year.

When I went bowling for my work Christmas party, I had 2 strikes back to back during the first game. I only did well because when i let go of the ball I didn’t THINK about what I was doing and that everyone was watching. When I started becoming more aware of my surroundings, the ball went straight into the gutter.

I feel much the same about my writing. If I think no one will read it, it turns out so much better. My diaries are equal parts angsty and mundane. I want to write short stories JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT and/or to stretch my creative muscles… but I would never show anything off at this stage. My cousin offered to give her take on one I started writing awhile back. It was based on the true story of when I accompanied the family i nannied for on this GODAWFUL trip - so much went wrong that I am just now barely starting to be able to laugh at some of it in retrospect, but only because 10 years have passed.

Gah. Ten fucking years ago and that damn trip nearly ruined the whole state of Colorado for me. And to think of my life since then! I’m not old, but not so young either.

I always associate the best moments of my earlier childhood with a shrinking red sign.

When I would go visit my Grandparents in Pittsburgh growing up, my family would all be there to see us Texas Cassidy’s arrive and depart - the bookends of each trip to the airport would be getting on the shuttle and watching the red glowing signs get smaller and smaller as we traveled from one part of the airport to the other. Arrivals, departures, and the red circle. I remember it so well.

I love many people in Dallas and was obviously born here, but in my heart of hearts I am a Pittsburgh Woman who loves and misses her family.

I can’t wait to see that red airport sign again, even though it’ll be under bittersweet circumstances.

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