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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

Three cats and smiley face emojis

I was happy last week for an extremely specific reason. Reasons that I’ve already hyper-analyzed.

Ugh, I’ve already alluded to more than I should have in the title. Lucky for me, only 3 people MIGHT get the allusion. Allusions of illusions! But I digress. SECOND interview for a promising new job tomorrow. I shouldn‘t say more than that, on the slim chance that jinxing is a real thing.

Had an MD appointment this morning that went far better than I expected. My MD is so.. jolly. Like a 450$ an hour Santa. An outcome of more EXPENSIVE medication isn’t as jolly, but I can’t say I didn’t see that coming, and it will likely only help at this point.

It’s freezing in DFW. There was an insane 100+ car pile up on I-35 in Fort Worth. Shouldn‘t have clicked on those articles/videos because my driving anxiety has gotten worse.

Have to trek out tomorrow though. Hopefully it’ll be a good investment of a 22 minute journey.

I’ve had 3 nightmares in the last 2 days. Now that could be worse, but it could also be better. And has. I’m sure the external whammys I’ve received this year are the biggest factor. The second biggest factor would be the accumulation of LAST YEAR’S whammys.

To speak generally, once you take killing yourself (either literally, or with drugs and alcohol) off the table in extreme circumstances... it’s very hard to end up without SOME emotional resiliency.

I’ll continue to call my survival a win. My life story is unbelievable in some ways, but I always seem to bounce back in some bizarre way.

Am I a cockroach? (JOKE and no.) Or... am I 3 different cats with 27 lives?

I’ll let you decide.

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