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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Cassidy

Tires, cats, and stories.

So, what’s new? Well, I could be sadder. Or happier. I AM more hopeful. That might be the most important thing.

Spent over 900$ on 4 (count them! That’s all of them!) tires last week. My garage still smells like a combination of auto repair shop and all the things tires are made of. I get a 140$ visa gift card rebate, but it might take TEN (count them!) weeks for it to arrive in the mail. Sounds pretty scammy and discouraging to me. I think “they” (Big Tire Brand) want everyone to give up on the rebate. I have to put in serial numbers on the rebate paperwork…. Numbers just auto-predicted to “killers” - my phone knows me too well. Hah!

I‘ve been living in books this weekend. I see that continuing forever. It’s Sunday Funday now. Yesterday my mom‘s apartment was being fumigated so she brought over her problematic cat… she hid him in my dad’s old room and bathroom. It’s an ample bathroom. He peed in the kitty carrier and sniffed around quietly for a few hours, and Mallory Pancakes was unbothered. Best case scenario? Peeing aside, I would say so. I watched part of a Lifetime movie last night - ”Video Voyeur” - it is based on the true story of this woman with a generic name (Susan Wilson I think?) whose creepy “helpful church Deacon” neighbor secretly installs cameras into her house... as perverted men do. Susan Wilson then goes on to challenge the legal system, whose laws on creepy secret camera installation were surprisingly LAX at the time. At least in that state. Ugh into forever.

Speaking of the government, this Roe v. Wade shit makes me want to scream on behalf of every woman. A scream of frustration and TERROR. And to think there are still people who voluntarily bring children into the world… my natural maternal instincts understand somewhat, but as I one told the aunt of a child I was babysitting - “WHO WOULD WANT THIS (earth life)?” I like that I exist, but I’m grateful every day that I won’t be here forever. Maybe I’d feel slightly different if we lived in a constant state of Halloween. I don’t like the future, and apparently the future that’s revealing itself doesn’t like women too much.

I came up with a great idea for a short story. It’s not even in the “skeletal” stage yet - but it’s about the relationship between a mother and her teen daughter who is convicting of murdering one of her friends. I got the idea from watching videos on the Skylar Neese murder case. The mother of one of the girls who killed her has this indescribably strained look on her face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an expression like that before. I want to write a story about that expression and everything behind it. So there’s a rough plot outline. I have that and the daughter has been named Anna DelVerre. I’m not going to write much about it here (no excerpts) because of the risk of it being classified one day as “previously published“ content.

And that’s where I am! Goodnight.

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